Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Albert Einstein

Things have been busy lately, there hasn’t been a lot of time to post, but I’m trying to re-commit myself to this blog.

So, in an effort to continue with the statue project:

One of sciences' most influential minds also has a statue in DC. I first saw a photo of the statue in a magazine. One day I decided to look for it and see just who visits the father of modern physics…

Everyone is probably familiar with Albert Einstein, the former patent clerk turned theoretical physicist who became as main stream as any scientist could. However, his statue in DC while close to such attractions as the National Mall, Lincoln and Vietnam Memorials, is quite hidden. In the grounds of the National Academy of Sciences, on the corner of 22nd St. and Constitution Ave. there is a small grove of trees were the statue literary sits on a circular bench.

Children climb all over the almost 30' tall statue. On the left hand of the statue he holds papers with mathematical equations, one being the famous theory of general relativity E=MC². Overall, the Einstein statue is worth visiting. You might as well, since you'll probably be in the area visiting other touristy sites.

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